Qualities of Foreign familiar to all factions of the bears tail short, as well as to the accuracy of the senses of smell and hearing and claws five non-reversible, and fur a long shaggy and dense. Bears the bodies of huge lists of strong to enable them to stand upright, it has the palms of a petition, Snouts long , and ears tables. uses bear his teeth in self-defense and tools, with different use them according to diet Bear, and use the claws for ripping and drilling, and constipation. thought that the black bears, and other factions, able to distinguish colors, which helps to identify the fruit and nuts. Bears have from 32 to 42 are not according to the species to which they belong, these teeth are not competent in the killing of prey, as in the teeth of cats. The bears smaller teeth from the jaws of other carnivores, which is showing its teeth long and sharp and is specialized in the killing of prey , and instead use it for self-defense and as tools. be teeth grinding bear a broad and flat, and used for tearing and grinding plant material and turn them into small pieces. Has the Bears four lists each of which ends with five sharp claws is reversible in contrast to cats, and use these claws for several purposes, including climbing trees, open the nests of termites and bees, digging to find the roots, or to capture prey, by Platoon assigned. Receipt bears the full weight of the Okhmas oldest when walking,
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